
The Center for Sustainable development of mountainous communities (SUDECOM)
Address: Alley 332 - Dinh Tien Hoang Street, group 13, Yen Thinh ward, Yen Bai city, Yen Bai province
Telephone: (+84) 2163851198 – Fax: (+84) 2163892397; E-mail:

The Center for Sustainable development of mountainous communities (SUDECOM) was established under the decision No. 179/QĐ-LHH dated 05th February 2007 by the Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Association (VUSTA). It was confered registration certificate code. A-608 by Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST). SUDECOM is non-profitable organization for the community development. It has independent legal status and a separate stamp. This organization operates on the voluntary and self-control basis and covers all expenses on its own.

SUDECOM has been carrying activities in the mountainous provinces in general and in Yen Bay province in particular. The priority is given to the areas where ethnic minority people with many difficulties lives.


  • To study the application of science and technology extension to serve agriculture and rural development; enhancing communities’ ability of poverty reduction.
  • To perform services on science and technology such as information, consultation, new technique transfer, organizing scientific workshops on agriculture and rural development.
  • Organizing communications and training to increase people’s knowledge of sustainable ecological environment protection; communicating to preserve and promote the good tradition and improve people’s awareness of the culture value and national character.
  • To cooperate and mobilize governmental, non-governmental organizations inland and abroad, and international organizations to realize the above-mentioned tasks and areas.


          SUDECOM acts for the development of disadvantaged communities in the mountainous areas, supporting them to improve the quality of life, impulse the participation of disadvantaged ethnic minority communities for the sustainable development.


  • The center has 11 people (6 male and 5 female staffs) including 10 full-time staffs and 01 part-time staff. They are enthusiastic and have senses of responsibility to communities.
  • SUDECOM has a team of specialists in the fields of economics, law, science, technology, construction, health, education. Besides, it has collaborators who are working in local governments, mass-organizations within Yen Bai province and project sites.


  • Transfer of advanced techniques and livelihood models; support vocational training, income raising, job creation and poverty reduction.
  • Agro - forestry - fisheries and environment.
  • Support to build water supply and sanitation constructions, firewood saving stoves for environmental protection; prevention and response to natural disasters and climate change in communities.
  • Raising awareness of the community about the law such as the Law on Domestic Violence Prevention, the Law on gender equality, and ordinances of the democracy at grassroots level, etc.
  • Education and training; guiding life skills for children.
  • Community health care.
  • Support to vulnerable groups.
  • Capacity building for officers at grassroots level.
  • Enhancing the participation of ethnic minority communities in monitoring, decision making and implementation of poverty reduction policies.


  • SUDECOM’s director is council member of the Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations (VUSTA) and is an executive committee’s member of the Union of Friendship Organizations of Yen Bai province.
  • SUDECOM is a member of Network of northern mountainous civil society organizations for sustainable community development in Vietnam (NorthNet).

In 10 years (2007 – 2017), SUDECOM has implemented 25 short-term and long term projects in the fields of:

  • Community development and living quality improvement for poor ethnic minority households;
  • Supporting the livelihood models to increase incomes;
  • Giving guidance of native tree planting and training in rescue and respond to natural disasters.
  • Support legislation, policy monitoring, counseling domestic violence and HIV / AIDS prevention.
  • Support promoting friendly learning environment and education of good quality.


  • Certificate of merit awarded by VUSTA on occasion of the 20th anniversary of the formation and development of science and technology in Vietnam.
  • Certificate of merit awarded by Yen Bai provincial People Committee for SUDECOM’s contribution to foreign affairs in the province from 2007 to 2011.
  • Winning an award of the Vietnam Anti – Corruption Initiative Program 2014 (VACI 2014) under the theme “Transparency, Integrity and Accountability” organized by the Government Inspectorate and the World Bank in Vietnam.
  • The Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations (VUSTA) recognized SUDECOM as one of its excellent Science and Technology organizations in 2015.
  • VUSTA recognized model of “Support building non-smoke firewood saving stoves to improve living condition of poor ethnic minority households in Yen Bai province” as a typical model of sustainable development in 2016.


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